WELCOME TO IMMARA 2023 - Business Sustainability in Transformational and Digital Era"

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21 Nov
IMMARA 2023 - Business Sustainability in Transformational and Digital Era
Fields of Research :
- Digital Transformation in Sosial Science & Management
- Sustainable Business in a Global Economy
- Economic Reforms
- Sustainability and Growth
- Information Communications & Technology (ICT)
- Ethics
- Leadership
- Entrepeurship
- Strategic Finance
- Strategic Partnership
- Markeitng Management
- Human Resource Management
- Islamic Business Finance

* All Accepeted Abstract Will be Published in Abstract Book With ISSN *

Important Information

    ( 03 November 2023 ) Notification of Acceptance ( 03 - 10 November 2023 ) Submission for Full Paper ( 10 - 20 November 2023 ) Paper Review ( 21 - 22 November 2023 ) Conference Date

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